I did meet my goal of playing bridge bridge every day, but didn’t manage to do any studying. On Friday I played ~10 hands with my friend Wes. On Saturday and Sunday I played BBO robot tournaments while attempting to focus on placing opponents high cards using the techniques I discussed earlier this week. Here’s an example hand where that came up:
Declaring with 22 HCP gives the opponents 18. East opened the bidding giving them 12+ HCP, which leaves 6- for West. Both the CA and CK are missing and they are probably split. If East held both they probably would have led one, and if West held both then East only had 11 points for their opening bid (and they bid clubs). That only leaves West with at most 3 other HCP. I didn’t end up making use of this information in this instance, but it felt great to be able to visualize the hand in a new way that I wouldn’t have been capable of a week ago.